两个英文字母,M和E, 被“吻”在了一起。
“ME”是原告为被告设计的企业标识, M取自“现代(modern)”, E取自“电子(electronic)”。
“M"或“E"单个英文字母或两个字母的简单并列组合,再以某种有形载体固定下来, 这一过程是不具备独创性的,因为任何会书写英文字母的人都可以完成。LDT
简而言之, M亲吻E是个艺术,是个作品。
Sealed with a kiss (copyright law/M/E/logo)I:Work
Li Dongtao
Kissing is an art…1
This is a case about “KISS”.
The plaintiff is Shan Chuan design company.
The defendant is the Modern Electronic Market.
Two English letters,M and E,is “sealed” together.
“ME” is a commercial logo designed by the plaintiff for the defendant: M from “modern”, E from “electronic”.
Fixing a letter M or E or the two letters lined-up in a perceptible form is not original, for anyone learning English is able to do so.
But in this case, the two letters were overlapped in a two-dimensional pattern and then reshaped and decorated the design, without destroying the normal writing style. LDT
As a result, an aesthetic effect was created.
In short,“M kissing E”is an art, a work.
Sealed with a kiss(copyright law/ME/logo)II:Infringement
Li Dongtao
Those who dare give nothing
Are left with less than nothing.
In 1996, the two parties agreed orally that the plaintiff would make a copper plaque and design a logo for the defendant. The plaque was to include the plaintiff’s business name, business hours, and the logo, etc. They also concluded the clauses about time of delivery and payment.
Then the plaintiff designed the “ME” logo and got the defendant’s approval.
However, after the plaintiff put the “ME” logo onto the copper plaque and delivered it to the defendant, the latter refused to accept or pay for it on the grounds that it did not meet the requirements of the oral agreement. LDT
Without informing the plaintiff, the defendant later commissioned another party to make another copper plaque as well as a billboard, both of which used the “ME” logo originally designed by the plaintiff.
The plaintiff sued the defendant for copyright infringement.
The defendant admitted to having commissioned the plaintiff to make a copper plaque but argued there was not copyright infringement.
The court held that the copyright infringement was established because the copyright was not transferred with ownership of the original.
In short, gave nothing to the plaintiff, the defendant got nothing.
以吻相连(著作权法、ME、标识)3: 合同
Sealed with a kiss(copyright law/ME/logo)III:Contract
Li Dongtao
Keywords: copyright law agreement logo
I place an ice cube on fire,
It melted and it extinguished the fire and either way I lose my soul.
The oral agreement made by the parties is valid.
There are two legal relationships in this agreement:
To make a copper plaque (product processing in contract law) and to design a logo (commissioned work in copyright law).
Because of the absence of an express agreement, according to the Art.17 of Copyright Law of 19905, being the commissioned party, the plaintiff was entitled to the copyright.
Without the plaintiff’s permission, the defendant couldn’t use the logo.LDT
However, the defendant refused to accept or pay for the copper plaque made by the plaintiff. This act not only led to the termination of the former agreement but also cost the defendant the right to use the “ME” logo.
[1] Kiss Me Slowly POEM by Sylvia Chidi at www.poemhunter.com/poem/kiss-me-slowly
[2] On Giving POEM by Robert Graves at https://allpoetry.com/On-Giving
[3] I lose My Soul POEM by Margareth Debrosse at www.poetry.com/poem/74317/i-lose-my-soul
[4] 第十七条 受委托创作的作品,著作权的归属由委托人和受托人通过合同约定。合同未作明确约定或者没有订立合同的,著作权属于受托人。
[5] Article 17 The ownership of copyright in a commissioned work shall be agreed upon in a contract between the commissioning and the commissioned parties. In the absence of such a contract or of an explicit agreement in the contract, the copyright in such a work shall belong to the commissioned party.
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